Much of my procrastination this semester has been relegated to reading and disseminating the animal rights/animal welfare argument, as well as reading dialogues on the internet about fake food/real food/vegan food/ what is the best diet. sometimes, it takes a bit of digging to find a provocative post or twitter conversation. But other times things just show up. For instance, yesterday, after turning in a terribly written paper, I found this email in my inbox.
Silk Lite Chocolate Ad
(Note: click on it to see a higher quality image)
i couldn't resist altering a bit of this deceptive advertising for some post-paper-agony-fun. It made me laugh. thanks to the cornucopia institute for enlightening me on soy production...
Altered Silk Lite Chocolate Ad
(click for higher quality)
you can't see it in the image, but I thought i'd take a little liberty with the privacy policy too:
You are receiving this email because you opted in (or not) to receive future communications from Silk. Silk will probably not share your information with other entities except as may be required for fulfillment of offers, prizes, or other similar purposes. We will, however, deceive you when we switch from organic to nonorganic soybeans. We might take precautions to keep your information safe and private. To learn more, see our Privacy Policy.
You can stop receiving communications (LIES) at any time by unsubscribing here.
If you want to bitch about Silk, please contact us. Or you may write to us at WhiteWave Foods Company, Consumer Affairs, 12002 Airport Way, Broomfield, CO 80021. © 2009 WhiteWave Foods (P.S. WE're actually owned by Dean Foods, the largest producer of "organic industrial" (i.e.) deceptive dairy in the country. We have no soul. We bought out the White Wave people years ago, and have been using their name as a front to make you think you're supporting some alternative-to-dairy cause....Too bad we're sometimes the only soymilk left in the grocery store!!!!
All of this to save 10 calories. Seriously? Seriously? (Ok, I don't know the calorie count of chocolate, but the calorie count of regular is 100). And to save some fat? How many years will it take for people to realize that Fat is not the enemy. Overconsumption of nutrient-deficient foods, filled with chemicals and preservatives, is the enemy, as far as I'm concerned. Drink the freakin' full fat soymilk. That's the way the soybean was intended to be consumed- whole. (And some would argue, fermented and not in GMO-laced veggie patties. I agree. A post on those should be forthcoming as well).
It makes me sad that people think they need to eat an altered food product to be healthier.
i'll be the first to say that regular Silk products are still in my house, because they're the only thing my mom will buy at walmart. i'd like to get some organic stuff, but with the snowstorm we've been stuck here for going on 5 days....
Next, I'd like to take on the Happy Cows Come From California advertisements. I think if we superimposed the happy (read: inane and retarded) dialogue from the commercials onto some images of cows living in shit, farmworkers being abused, and some pus-filled udders, that'd be great. Or this one from Purdue chickens could be made into a parody where the chickens bitch slap the lying CEO into oblivion. Will anyone help me in this quest?
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