Thursday, August 12, 2010

Heirloom tomatoes


So everywhere in fact, that everyone is giving them away from free because they are growing sooo many and can't possibly eat them all.

Someday, this is a problem I hope to have.

Yesterday at market I bought three different kinds. One of them--the striped green one--I just ate as if it were an apple. Didn't even need any salt. It was that good. The two cherokee purples were also amazing. I got five tomatoes for $2.

I'm in the *process* of cleaning my room and trying to pack my stuff. It's a mess. Who knew I still had notebooks from not only Ancient History (2002-2003) but also journals I kept in 1995? I'm trying to throw away lots of stuff, but it's hard for me when I know someone else could use it somewhere. On the plus side, I realized I have three _enormous_ boxes of books for my future apartment, wherever that ends up being. So many "coffee table" books. They will have to go out on a rotating basis. Anyway...

Here's a picture of the meal I made last week. The crust did not rise very much, alas. But the family inhaled it, so I guess it was good!

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